
目前显示的是 四月, 2008的博文


结果出了这么大件事。 山东发生旅客列车相撞事故 于是又搜索到了这样的信息: 中国从70年代至今重大铁路事故一览 无语了。 另有一篇文章值得参考: 历史的巧合 PS: 重大铁路事故一览那篇文章里面,有一段貌似在中学地理课里面提到过: 6、1981年7月9日,成昆线尼日至乌斯河间的利子依达铁路大桥被泥石流冲塌,正在通过的442次列车2台机车、1辆行李车和1辆客车坠入大渡河内,造成130人失踪和死亡,146人受伤,线路中断15天; Powered by Zoundry Raven

Can't Work Things Out

Ross: Look I-I realize if anything were to happen with me and Jill then nothing could ever happen with us! Rachel: What?! Ross: No, I mean, look I don’t know if anything is going to happen with us, again. Ever. But I don’t want to know that it-it never could. So I stopped it and she got mad and broke my projector. Rachel: Wow. I, I don’t even know what to say. Thank you. (Gently kicks him.) Ross: You’re welcome. (Gently kicks her back.) (Chandler starts crying.) Monica: Oh my God! Are-are you crying? Chandler: (crying hysterically) I just don’t see why those two can’t work things out! 以上出自Friends 614: The One Where Chandler Can't Cry 也许大家都知道Ross and Rachel 最后会在一起,我也知道结局确实会是这样(别人告诉我的,怒!)。不过看到被Joey 说是"dead inside" 的Chandler 哭着说出最后那句话时,还是很感慨。是啊,都已经很明显了,为什么就不能work things out 呢? 导演:我是故意的!哈哈…… 小P: 囧…… Friends 可能无法在现实中复制,类似Ross 在婚礼上说错名字的那种糗事"I Ross...Take thee, Rachel",大概不会真的发生。我只是在为电视剧里的人物空操心罢了。