这位NPC 雷托尔很可能是WOW 中的觉醒者,他在游戏中的一位同伴说,雷托尔发现了治愈20世纪瘟疫的方法,但"20世纪是什么鬼东西啊?"另一位同伴说雷托尔认为"我们只是一群人脑袋中想象出来的东西,供他们消遣而已" 建议大家都去接这个任务,任务很简单,对话很搞笑。 位置: http://db.178.com/wow/cn/npc/22458.html 任务对话如下,之前一群矮人挖出了一面鼓,雷托尔不顾可能的危险,坚持要敲那个鼓,于是他的4个同伴说: * Explorer's League Researcher says: This reminds me of that one time where you made us search Silithus for evidence of sand gnomes. "这让我想起有一次你让我们在希利苏斯寻找沙漠侏儒。"(事实上这种生物离希利苏斯有十万八里远……) * Explorer's League Researcher says: Or that time when you told us that you'd discovered the cure for the plague of the 20th century. What is that even? 20th century? "还有一次你告诉我们,你发现了治愈20世纪瘟疫的方法。那是什么怪东西?20世纪?" * Explorer's League Researcher says: I don't think it can top the one time where he told us that he'd heard that Arthas' "cousin's" skeleton was frozen beneath a glacier in Winterspring. I'll never forgive you for that one, Letoll. I mean honestly... Arthas' Cousin? "最狠的一次是他告诉...