
目前显示的是 三月, 2019的博文

Something old, something new.

标题是2018年看X战警婚礼刊时才知道的一句,当然用在这里跟它并没有关系,仅仅是我在想题目时蹦了出来而已。 互联网发展到今天,blog 已经不再是我刚开始用的时候的样子了。事实上,我现在觉得一开始就不应该是那个样子,尽管那些时候我们用得都还挺开心。所以跟互联网的发展其实也没关系。 想通这一点后,删文的速度应该会更快一点吧。

记录一下为啥(目前)没有用 Hubzilla

Hubzilla 几乎可以保证自己发的内容永不遗失,因为它支持跨实例同步(即 Nomadic identity,其用途不止这个,姑且先提这个功能)。我用过一段时间,但最后还是转投 Friendica,原因是:一、它对 Mastodon 的纯回复的显示不友好,不会像前者那样把主帖抓取过来;二、它的创始人对于维护与其它分布式社交网络的沟通功能越来越不感兴趣了。来源见此 https://z.macgirvin.com/channel/mike/?f=&mid=b64.aHR0cHM6Ly96Lm1hY2dpcnZpbi5jb20vaXRlbS82YmUyZjVlYi02ZmNiLTQ2MmQtYTA5Yi1jMzViNGI3YzlkYzc If you are interested in a "fediverse" of "social networking projects" which can all communicate and work together seamlessly, it is time for you to get off the Zot6 train. It is not stopping at your station.  Zot6 is standing up for the right of people to have nomadic identities, privacy, and granular permissions over their profiles and content (including their media content). It is also standing up for the right of people to not be forced to accept spam or unsolicited replies to their content from people they don't know or never heard of (or who they have even *blocked*). Unfortunately these rights are incompatible with the rest of th...